Ectopic pregnancy is a different kind of pregnancy from the normal healthy pregnancy. In Ectopic pregnancy, the implantation of the fertilized egg happens outside the uterus. It generally occurs in the fallopian tube. A fallopian tube connects your ovaries to your uterus. In normal cases, a fertilized egg travels through a fallopian to reach uterus for the successful implantation. But in ectopic pregnancy the fertilized egg get stuck in the fallopian tube and starts growing instead of reaching the uterus. This condition is life-threatening. If the fallopian tube breaks, it can be worse. So, ectopic pregnancy is definitely a medical emergency.
Symptoms of an Ectopic Pregnancy
You may get the same symptoms as a normal pregnancy has in the beginning, like, nausea, period missing, vomiting etc. But then you may get to notice the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy:
- Vaginal bleeding
- Pelvic pain
- Feeling weak
If somehow the fallopian tube breaks because of the pressure of growing a fertilized egg, you may receive severe symptoms like heavy bleeding, shoulder pain, sharp pain in the lower abdomen and fainting. In this case, you should immediately consult to doctor.
What Causes an Ectopic Pregnancy?
It happens when the fertilized egg can’t reach to the uterus and gets stuck in the middle way in the fallopian tube. The possible conditions which cause an ectopic pregnancy are:

- You are born with a structurally defective fallopian tube
- You have scarring or inflammations from past surgeries
- Because of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) you may get this type of pregnancy, as STIs can damage your tube
- Pelvic inflammatory diseases
- You have developed blockages in your fallopian tube
- Endometriosis can also be a reason
Ectopic Pregnancy Complications
The uterus is the only place in the body where a fetus can grow. The uterus can expand with the growing fetus, but the fallopian tubes can’t because they are not flexible. So, if the fertilized egg starts to grow in the fallopian tube, it can burst. This is an emergency condition. It may cause heavy internal bleeding and in fact, can lead to death. this pregnancy needs proper and careful treatment.
Risk factors of Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy itself is a risky condition. Here the some risk factors are:

- Women who are previously diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy are at higher risk.
- Women with tubal damage or blocked fallopian tubes are at increased risk.
- Those who have Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID can generate this type of pregnancy.
- If you are taking IVF treatment for infertility, then it can also lead to ectopic pregnancy.
- People who are diagnosed with endometriosis are at higher risk.
- Infertility is a factor.
- Smoking is another cause of risk.
Can I prevent Ectopic Pregnancy?
This type of pregnancy can’t be prevented. Still, a few precautions can be helpful. Limited sex partners, protected sex, quitting smoking and maintaining a healthy body weight can reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
How an ectopic pregnancies are diagnosed?
Many of you won’t be able to identify this pregnancy until you visit your doctor or perform any test like an ultrasound. After the physical check-up your doctor will ask you to perform below tests:
- Urine test: This test involves providing a urine sample, either by urinating on a test strip or into a collection cup at your healthcare provider’s office. A test strip will then be inserted into the urine sample to get the results.
- Blood test: A blood test is necessary to understand how much HCG ( Human Chronic Gonadotropin) are present in your body, as your body only makes this hormone when you get pregnant. Low levels of HCG indicates ectopic pregnancy and a high level of HCG indicate normal pregnancy.
- Ultrasound test: Through an ultrasound test you can clearly see all your body’s internal structures. With this test, it’s become very much easy to check the implantation position of the fertilized egg.
Once your doctor detects your ectopic pregnancy they will discuss further treatment options with you.
How is an ectopic pregnancy treated?
Depending on the stage and condition of the ectopic pregnancy doctors decide your treatment type. Treatments include:
- Methotrexate medication: Your doctor may suggest Methotrexate medication for this pregnancy. This medication will not harm your fallopian tube. This will help to stop the fertilized egg from growing. So, basically, it will end up the pregnancy. The process of injecting methotrexate is less invasive than surgery. After injecting a single injection, the doctor will keep monitoring your HCG level for a few days. Only in rare cases, you may require a second injection of methotrexate, if your HCG doesn’t drop after having one injection.
- Laparoscopic surgery: The surgery will be the last option in case of the severe or life-threating condition. Your doctor will take the decision to remove the fallopian tube if they suspect that it can be ruptured or has ruptured. This laparoscopic surgery will be perform under anesthesia, through a small incision in your abdomen. In some cases, doctors save the fallopian tube and mostly they remove the tube along with the fertilized egg.
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
- What is an Ectopic Pregnancy?
Answer: In ectopic pregnancy the fertilized stuck in the fallopian tube and starts growing instead of reaching uterus. This condition is life-threating.
- What are the symptoms of Ectopic pregnancy?
Answer: Vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, weakness, shoulder pain, and fainting are the signs of ectopic pregnancy.
- What causes an Ectopic pregnancy?
Answer: Damage fallopian tube, previous tubal surgery, development of blockages, infections can lead to ectopic pregnancy.
- Can I prevent Ectopic Pregnancy?
Answer: Ectopic pregnancy can’t be prevented. Still a few precautions can be helpful. Limited sex partners, protected sex, quit smoking and maintaining a healthy body weight can reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
- How common are ectopic Pregnancies?
Answer: Ectopic pregnancies are rare. Only 1% women may suffer from this.
- Can I prevent Ectopic Pregnancy?
Answer: Ectopic pregnancy can’t be prevented. Still a few precautions can be helpful. Limited sex partners, protected sex, quit smoking and maintaining a healthy body weight can reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
- How ectopic pregnancy are diagnosed?
Answer: Ectopic pregnancy are diagnosed with urine test, blood test and then ultrasound test.